Three big international events have occurred for last several weeks. They include G7's summit in Italy, Putin's visit to Pyongyang and US Delegation's visit to Dharmasala where India has allowed intentionally Dalai Lama's Tibetan Government in Exile to run.

In the G7's summit, 12 nations including India and Ukaraine were invited. For the first time Pope Francis from Vetican City and both the Presidents of European Commission and Europen Council had also participated. First Minister President of Italy Giorgia Meloni presided the summit as host. This summit decided among others to support with a huge amount of financial assistance to socalled Ukraine's Fight for Freedom. In the presence of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the G7 agreed on continued support for Ukraine including 50 billion loan plan to help Ukariane's fight against Russia’s invasion. The money will come from the proceeds of Russian assets that have been frozen as a result of the war. India's Participation in the Summit proves that it has also stood on US side against Russia as China was not invited in the Summit.

Reacted by G7's meeting and its decision to support Ukaraine, Russian president Putin immediately visited Pyongyang and signed a common security agreement and pledged a mutual help against US led agression worlwide. Putin also threatened US to arm North Korea if US and West continue to provide weapons to Ukaraine. It is a kind of NATO style Defence Pact. US and its followers have been imposing economic blockade upon North Korea for last several years and to break it North Korea has also been following a policy of seeking partners to give counter to US. The present national security interest of Russia and North Korea has compelled them to be in one side against US military built up and agression worldwide.

Similarly, a bipartisan United States congressional delegation led by Republican Rep. Michael McCaul and Democratic former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently met with the Dalai Lama and participated in a meeting of Tibetan Parliament in exile in Dharmasala India. This event has taken place at a time when Washington and Beijing were starting talks to review the imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods under the Trump administration. Sino-US Relations have been deteriorating following the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising military tensions in the South China Sea and the Strait of Taiwan.

It is very important to recall here in this context that a 17-member delegation from Taiwan led by Political Deputy Minister of Education Dr. Mon-chi Lio visited India in November 2023, to promote bilateral relations. Strategically, India and Taiwan find common ground in their concerns about China's growing assertiveness. India's challenges along its border with China and Taiwan's pressure from China regarding its so-called sovereignty create a basis for mutual understanding. This has led to informal discussions and exchanges related to defense and security, with a focus on regional stability and maritime security.

Allowing US delegation to visit Dharmasala by India and promoting the exchange of official visits between Delhi and Teipei proves that India wants a direct confrontation with China and take a revenge of its defeat in Sino-Indian War of 1962 by involving itself in Indo-Pasific Strategy, QUAD and AUKUS led by US. India in a similar way under Indira Gandhi had entered into an alliance in the first decade of 1970 with the then Soviet Union and disintigrated Pakistan and invaded Sikkim. At that time also China under Mao Tse Tung kept quiet and did nothing thereagainst.

Nepal always says that it advocates one China Policy but contravening the policy as such Nepal has been a signatory of Indo-pasific Strategy and State Partnership Program led by US. This is a ruse violation of Nepal Non-aligned foreign policy. If Nepal continues to behave like this, it can have also the same destiny like that of Ukraine. Understanding very well such tricky diplomacy the Greater Nepal Greater Campaign (GNGC) has decided to form Greater Nepal Liberation Army not only to give counter to IPS, QUAD and AUKUS but also to expel Indian occupation from Greater Nepal territories. For this, GNGC has forwarded a proposal to the governments of PR China, DPR Korea, Russia, Pakistan, Myanmar and Iran to form an alliance similar to that of dissolved Warsaw Pact and seek support from such pact to liberate Nepali territories from Indian illegal occupation. Thus GNGC welcomes the recent pact signed by Russia and DPR Korea and suggests PR China, Pakistan, Myanmar and Iran to learn positively from it and join hand with Russia and DPR Korea to give counter Indo-US hegemony worldwide in general and in the region in particular aimed at creating international balance of power. China must understand well that the prolonging of Russian Ukaraine War has not only worsened the economies of warring parties but also it has resulted into worldwide economic depression. US wants to push China into a never ending war in a similar way. So creating alliance as proposed by GNGC has no alternative to bring in size US, West and India.