Ostracize = निषेध गर्नु, बहिष्कार गर्नु As soon as her crime became public, all her friends ostracized her तिनको अपराध सार्वजनिक हुनासाथ सबैले तिनलाई बहिष्कार गरे ।

Precipitate  = छिटो हुनु The withdrawn of US support precipitated the fall of Marcos अमेरिकी समर्थन हट्नुले मार्कोसको पतन हुनु छिटो हुन गयो ।

Turbulence = हिंसात्मक, खतरापूर्ण स्थिति Pilot advised the passengers to tighten the belt in view of approaching atmospheric turbulence मौसममा आएको खतरापूर्ण स्थितिलाई विचार गर्दै पाइलटले यात्रुहरूलाई सिटको पेटी कस्ने सल्लाह दिए ।

Unsightly = कुरुप, हेर्नै नसकिने Although he is a good surgeon, he can not bear the unsightly injury  ऊ राम्रो सर्जन भए तापनि विभत्स चोटपटकलाई ऊ सजिलै हेर्न सक्तैन ।

Vulpine = फ्याउरोको जस्तो He is very much famous for his vulpine intelligence फ्याउरोको जस्तो चलाखीको लागि उ नामुद छ ।

Wangle = चलाखिद्वारा कुनै कुरा मिलाउन खोज्नु She did her best to wangle an extra week holiday for herself  हप्ताको एकदिन अरू विदा आफूलाई मिलाउन तिनले ठूलै चलाखी गरिन् ।

Antipathy = घृणा Mostly the white racist have antipathy towards negros धेरैजसो गोरा रंगभेदीहरू कालाहरूलाई घृणा गर्दछन्  ।

Brunt = नराम्रो असर Robert was happy to dismantle the wall but he did not know that his neighbour had to bear the brunt of the dust  रवर्ट पर्खाल भत्काउँदा खुसी भए तापनि भत्काउँदा आएको धुलोले उसको छिमेकीलाई नराम्रो असर पा¥यो भन्ने कुरा उसले थाहा पाएन ।

Connoisseur = पारखी She is a connoisseur of painting  तिनी कलाकी पारखी हुन ।

Discrete = बेग्लाबेग्लै The universe is a composition of discrete body ब्रम्हाण्ड बेग्लाबेग्लै अस्तित्व भएको पिण्डहरूले बनेको छ ।

Fit बाट के के कुरा भन्न सकिन्छ थाहपाई राख्नुहोस

Fit to =  मिल्ने This land is fit to cultivate paddy यो धान लगाउन मिल्ने जमिन हो ।

Fit for somebody =  हुने This food is not for human being यो मानव जातीलाइ हुने खाना होइन ।

Fit something into = अटाउनु One can not fit more chairs into this room यो कोठामा यो भन्दा वढी मेचहरु अटाउदैनन् ।

Fit with something = मिल्नु These handles do not fit with this cupboard यो दराजमा यी हैण्डलहरु मिल्दैनन ।

Fit somebody like = ठिक हुनु This shirt did not fit me like gloves यो कमिज पंजा जस्तै गरी मलाइ ठिक भएन ।

Fit somebody in  = वहाल गर्नु  We can not fit you in this position तिमीलाई यो पदमा वहाल गर्न हामी सक्तैनौ  । 

Fit out somebody with something   = तयार गर्नु  I have to fit out my children with these uniforms मैले मेरा वच्चावच्चीहरुलाई याी लुगाहरु लगाइ तयार गरिदिनु पर्छ  ।